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That's a Wrap! The 2023 Year in Infrastructure and Going Digital Awards is now over

Missed last year? We got you covered!
Read the news and articles highlighting the event online today! 

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Press Announcement

Bentley Systems Issues Call for Nominations for the 2024 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure

Press Coverage

The Future is Green: Rodrigo Fernandes of Bentley Systems on Their Top Strategies for a Cleaner Planet

Medium (Authority Magazine
Press Announcement

Bentley Systems Announces Fourth Quarter and 2023 Results, and Its 2024 Financial Outlook

Increases Quarterly Dividend
Press Coverage

Steel symmetry: Enhancing efficiency with digital twin tech

Power Engineering International
Press Coverage

Leveraging AssetWise

CAD User & Construction Computing
Press Coverage

Asia’s Transportation Trends in 2024

Future IOT

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Celebrate Infrastructure Delivery & Performance Excellence

The 2024 Year in Infrastructure
and Going Digital Awards

Nominate a project for the most prestigious awards in infrastructure! Extended deadline to enter is April 29th.