CTI Partners with FieldSync to Digitize and Improve Tower Inspection Processes
Leveraging OpenTower® iQ to Generate Digital Twins Improved Tower Assessment Efficiency While Offering New Revenue Opportunities.
Utility and Communication Networks
THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO Digitizing Telecom Tower Maintenance
The Growing Need for Digitization.
White Paper
Utility and Communication Networks
Study Validates Use of Digital Twin Technology for Cell Tower Maintenance Workflows
Digital twin technology delivers highly realistic 3D models of physical structures.
User Story
Utility and Communication Networks
The Visual, Virtual Difference
Johnson Broderick Engineering, LLC Assess the Value of Precision Graphics-Enabled Tower Analysis.
Utility and Communication Networks
Moving Beyond Spreadsheets for Nonlinear Analysis
Digital Solutions for Modernizing Overhead Electric Distribution Design and Analysis.
User Story
Utility and Communication Networks
Utilities Kingston Streamlines and Simplifies Design Analysis
SPIDAcalc™ Helps Engineering Teams Conduct Seamless Nonlinear Analysis.
User Story
Utility and Communication Networks
BC Hydro Creates Consistency in Pole Design and Analysis While Ensuring Government Compliance
SPIDAcalc™ Helped Perform Realistic and Consistent Pole Checks across British Columbia.
Comparison Chart
Utility and Communication Networks
EasyPower Product | Comparison Chart
EasyPower Product | Comparison Chart.
Utility and Communication Networks
Fundamentals for Modern Utility Infrastructure
Pole Loading Basics: Fundamentals for Modern Utility Infrastructure.
Data Sheet
Utility and Communication Networks
OpenTower® iQ
The Solution for Telecom Tower Lifecycle Maintenance.
Solution Sheet
Utility and Communication Networks
Substation Design Solution
Streamline Your Substation Design Workflow.
Data Sheet
Utility and Communication Networks
OpenUtilities® sisHYD®
OpenUtilities sisHYD is a comprehensive analytical modeling and network design application that delivers the thermal and hydraulic calculations necessary for district energy and/or gas pipeline networks.